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February 8, 2022
"First as tragedy, then as farce." It’s a familiar phrase for a story that, at this point, is all too familiar. Affordable housing is once again under attack, this time by a federal scheme that threatens to turn poor neighborhoods into mini-tax havens for the wealthy. They’re called Opportunity Zones – specially designated census tracts meant to encourage real estate investment in poor areas by offering tax breaks for investors.
Missed Opportunities.
How a federal program designed to spur investment in poor neighborhoods is turning them into tax havens for the rich.
Dark Money
How financial firms are buying up Hampton Roads’ affordable housing.
January 4, 2022
Dark Money is Flooding Norfolk apartments. Secret shell companies, undisclosed buyers, dark money. These terms have come to define the housing reality in Norfolk. Published in partnership with Norfolk Currents.
August 6th, 2021
Across Hampton Roads anonymous private equity firms are pouring billions of dollars into buying up apartment buildings. They're renovating units, inflating rental rates, and evicting poor and working-class residents—all in a bid to generate maximum profit for their secret cohort of wealthy investors.
Squeezed Out Pt. II
Out of control rent, secret shell corps, billions of dollars. Why is the rent so high?
Squeezed Out
Why We Can’t Afford to Live in Hampton Roads Anymore
April 7, 2021
Over the past few years hundreds of millions of dollars have poured into single and multifamily homes across Hampton Roads by private-equity firms who renovate the properties, aggressively raise rents, and evict long-time residents. It’s happening in New York, it’s happening in Los Angeles, and it’s happening in Hampton Roads. And we can’t afford to live here anymore.
April 19, 2019
Contrary to popular belief America was built for the car, not the other way around. “Everything in life is somewhere else,” E.B White remarked, “and you get there in a car.” The road work of America has been described in any number of metaphors, mostly as artery veins, blood vessels of America crisscrossing the vital organs of our country to deliver mail, produce, and Amazon Prime boxes. Some streets...
When Tolls Take a Toll
How sustaining the lifeblood of America can fall at the feet of those already struggling to make ends meet.
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