
From hand-out to hand-up
He met with Rachel from the URC at the Housing Center on Tidewater. After evaluating Ben's circumstances, Rachel suggested he consider vocational training, and it turned out to be a brilliant idea.
Ben was completely on board! He believed that a Forklift Operator Certification could enhance his income at his current job. Rachel assisted Ben in enrolling in a Forklift Operator Course to earn certification. Ben says, "I've wanted this for a long time. It's going to help me advance in my job and earn more money!"
We're excited for Ben. There's no greater joy than assisting people in improving their lives!
Medan is a young man from Ethiopia who has been living in the United States since 2009. Medan became homeless two years ago and lost all of his documentation, including his green card. He applied for a green card replacement in January 2023. The URC staff met Medan in late May 2024 when we expanded services to the Salvation Army Men’s Shelter. During his initial intake meeting, Medan explained that he was still awaiting the replacement in the mail but could not work until that was resolved. Within two and a half weeks, the staff assisted him in receiving interim documentation, which acts as his green card. As a result, Medan is now eligible for work and actively seeking employment.
Kelvin spent three years on and off the streets, homeless, due to incarceration and setbacks. While offered support by the URC several times, Kelvin wasn't ready to make a change. On a Friday morning in late spring, he came to the Norfolk Street Choir Project for breakfast. The URC’s staff connected with him there and invited him to engage with our support services. Kelvin completed all the required paperwork for Tidewater Community College to begin the Welding Program. Kelvin is halfway through his program and will graduate with his certificate this summer. He shared the happiness and pride he feels for sticking with it this time and expressed extreme hope for his future success!
David is 38 years old and has struggled with mental health challenges. He has had a hard time securing and keeping a job. The URC helped David write a compelling resume and fill out a job application. Finally, David secured employment at a local bakery. He has now been successful in keeping his job for over 6 months. He lives locally and is working to save money to transition into stable housing.

80% of homeless citizens of Norfolk seeking jobs have gotten them!
The URC works closely alongside residents of the Housing Center at Tidewater to help them achieve their financial goals!
We help with everything from career mentorship and skill building; mock interviews and resume building; and securing documents. We work one-one with residents to provide practical resources through partnerships with local businesses, job agencies, and municipal offices in order to help residents transition into high-paying jobs.
Have a business and would like to partner with us?

Hear What Our Partners Are Saying
Stand with the URC
Your Support Means Real Change in Norfolk.
Your donation to the URC will help us keep our operations going.
By donating to support our homeless services your gift will go to some of the most vulnerable in our city. Your support will ensure we continue to provide job placement for shelter residents; ensure no one goes hungry by providing meals to the shelter; and continue to rally Norfolk through coordinating volunteers at The Housing Center at Tidewater.

We’re Excited to Announce the Opening of
The Housing Center at Tidewater
After partnering with the City of Norfolk to launch the area’s first low-barrier shelter. This private-public partnership was a fantastic opportunity to serve with our city.
As of now, the Urban Renewal Center is no longer directing daily operations at the shelter. We have transitioned into providing support for shelter residents in close partnership with the City of Norfolk. We are providing shelter residents with employment services, we are coordinating volunteers, and we are collecting donations for the shelter.
Please find below a list of key items residents are in need of.
Be part of our community of volunteers called “Community Link!”
Want to donate?
The following items make a big difference for residents:
1) New in-package socks and underwear. Men’s and Women’s | All Sizes.
2) T-shirts. Short and long-sleeve | All sizes.
3) Work Pants and Jeans | All Sizes.
4) Socks | All sizes.
5) Work boots and athletic shoes | All Sizes .
6) Granola bars.
7) Boxed or bottled water.
8) Cans of soup with pop-top lids
*Food items must be individually wrapped and sealed. Unfortunately, we cannot accept homemade foods at this time.
Where to donate?
Please bring all donations to 1050 Tidewater Drive, Norfolk, VA. 23504.