What You Can Do Next
In the midst of yet another killing of an African American by police, and the subsequent urban unrest, many who are beginning their social justice fight are asking “where do I begin?”
Below is a mix of resources we’ve created at the URC, as well as resources gathered from around the web, to help you plan where you go from here.
August 10, 2020
Redlining Health Update: Norfolk’s COVID-19 Racial Inequities. Seven months into the pandemic, and racial fault lines over COVID-19 have become clear. Back in May, the 23507 reported a total of 8 cases. At the same time, the 23504 reported 82 cases. As of August 10th, the 23507 is reporting a total of 82 cases, while the 23504 zip code has 512 cases What can we glean from this data? Breaking down the data even further...
Redlining Health Update
Plus: 5 Steps to Fight Health Inequality in Norfolk
A 5 Minute History of Racism in Norfolk
Watch Dr. Sharon Riley’s speech and more from faith leaders during the Norfolk Prayer March
August 3, 2020
A 5 Minute History Of Racism in Norfolk Segregation, Schools, Housing, and Policing: Watch Dr. Sahron Riley's speech a "5 Minute History of Racism in Norfolk," from the Norfolk Prayer March. And check out more speeches from Faith Leaders on that day's march.
July 24, 2020
19 More Things White Christians Can Do The third in our series of lists on 19 steps anyone can do in their community to fight racism right now. If you are already familiar with social activism, or you have read through our first two lists and are still looking for more- this list is for you.
19 More Things White Christians Can Continue to Do
Urban Renewal Center
Barbara Hamm Lee interviews Dr. Antipas Harris
July 16, 2020
Dr. Antipas Harris on WHRO's Another View Dr. Harris, author of Is Christianity the White Man's Religion? How the Bible is Good News for People of Color is interviewed by Barbara Hamm Lee on NPR's Another View. DR. Harris speaks about evangelicalism, race, and the role of the Church in in confronting legacies of race in America.
July 3, 2020
19 More Things White Christians Can Do. 19 Next steps anyone can do in their community right now to work for racial justice. Worked through our first 19 steps list? These are your next 19 steps.
19 More Things White Christians Can Do
Urban Renewal Center
Dr. Antipas Harris and Pastor Jim Wood.
On Race In America
June 5th, 2020
Watch Dr. Antipas Harris & Pastor Jim Wood. Two great spiritual leaders on the mission of the church and the need for moral leadership when it comes to race in America.
jUNE 19TH, 2020
Resources For Youth. Short reads, videos, and audio to help youth learn about race in America.
19 Resources on Race for Children & Youth
158 Resources
Smithsonian Magazine
June 18th, 2020
158 Resources To Understand Racism In America. "These articles, videos, podcasts and websites from the Smithsonian chronicle the history of anti-black violence and inequality in the United States."
Smithsonian Magazine | Meilan Solly
jUNE 4, 2020
19 Things White Christians Can Do. Interested in social justice, but don't know where to start? This is your list. You'll find 19 first steps anyone can do in their community right now. Not exhaustive, not comprehensive, but a start.
19 Things White Christians Can Do.
Urban Renewal Center
Institutionalized Racism: A Syllabus
jUNE 8th, 2020
Institutionalized Racism: A Syllabus "The United States has seen escalating protests over the past week, following the death of George Floyd while in custody of the Minneapolis police. Educators everywhere are asking how can we help students understand that this was not an isolated, tragic incident perpetrated by a few bad individuals, but part of a broader pattern of institutionalized racism..."
JSTOR. Daily | Catherine Halley